Friday, January 13, 2012

Poetic Colab

From Mr. Matthew J Anders
I am the son ( sun ) descended along the heavens glare amongst the break of day end

shedding light from with in

dark florescent skin

where my soul essence present through out my pen

revising spiritual hems

along a pool of words

where I feel free to swim

diving in salt waters without fins

splashing substance purified along lakes coming forefront toward sins

where I drowned again & again

but still ressed to flow like wave currents
coming full surface objective to tsunami

pulling at force of wind

where I loose shape

crashed along this collision of trials & tribulations
where I took a fender bend

blessed along the grace of god where my fate rest with him

spoken with in emotion blind through out vision

set forth at distance like being far sited gaining closer
where it all depends like per scripted recommended ultra lens

along this chain of fire reaching higher

surpass barbwire

where statistics conquer an empire

strain behind bars & welfare to keep unemployed then hired

to bring judgment toward where fate requires

death falling in the hands of the electric chair to forever be marked a liar

like change can never result slain to forgive a man with out prosecution at slaughter like Michael Myers

spoken in the same breath as Tookie Williams

where became a changed man

but his verdict couldn't fall in the game plan of him ever seeing life again

trying to patch up past mistakes with fixed hands

but isn't life based off forgiving & forgetting

when it was pilgrims who robbed the Indians of there living

the holocaust that brought war raged comities

to our inner cities

taking a squat on ethnic mixing

where u wouldn't want your race to date out side of it

so stop the bullshitting

as we need to stop exterminating

unity relating

stereo typical views where you've been evaluating

pride set aside the hating

& put a halt at flat
where violence raging

to result to world war 3 in the making

tracing more of our troops stationed in Iraq

pacing foot steps awaiting

loosing patience

viewing patients
My response:

I much rather gleam among the night

I go away peacefully as you approach

My focus is that of the innocent soul

Where all longs for someone else to hold

Through fear of maybe getting to old

This life is no longer for the living

But more so focused on what and who is giving

Maybe the joy of totally flipping

As in losing your mind

Trying to find

The one that will be there and last a lifetime

Seeking sin to receive guilty pleasures

Excited beyond measures

But follows wherever

This mind will wander to a limitless end

Searching in darkness to find a friend

But to be true to self

Is to only be self

Not visible to the naked eye

Too many will start to cry

For the search is an endless one

Yet we live in this life of unprecedented crime

Where punishment is received but rarely is it prime

But in the skin of the dark

The truth is untouched

The past shall be paid in full

The legal lesson of course

Where authorities can brutally murder

And have no remorse

The basis of which is placed on four fathers

Or should I say fore-fathers

But whose fathers are these

The fathers of our nation

Not the father of this generation

Difference in skin and also beliefs

What then shall we say?

Is true ethics based?

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